Thursday, November 24, 2011

Can you throw a crib bumper in your washing machine?

I want to wash my son's crib bumper, but I'm not sure its supposed to be washed like that. There are no care tags on it. I certainly don't want to ruin it, but I wondered if anyone knew that if I washed it on gentle and line dried it, if it would ruin it?|||We washed ours several times in the washer and drier and never had an issue. In fact we are ready to use it for the next one coming soon.

Without instructions I would do what you suggest. Do wash it though to keep it clean and your baby healthy.|||Washing it as you suggested sounds like a good way to wash the crib bumper. I'd use cool/cold water when washing it also. :)|||I have done this before, several times, with success. In fact, I also put it in the dryer. Just make sure you reshape it when it comes out of the washer and again when you take it out of the dryer. It really freshens it up. Not sure if the baby notices that it has been washed, but you sure feel better!

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